Louis Vuitton. Famous iconic brand

The French brand Louis Vuitton is one of the most unusual brands. Indeed, on the one hand, Louis Vuitton is one of the most famous brands. Louis Vuitton is more popular than such exclusive brands as Gucci or Prada, and at the same time more prestigious than Chanel and Adidas. On the other hand, Louis Vuitton remains a highly exclusive brand with an enviable reputation.

How did Louis Vuitton manage to achieve such an extraordinary result?

Louis Vuitton. Iconic brand

First of all, the Louis Vuitton brand has been on the market since 1854. Already by its age, this brand proves its prestige, because few companies can boast of such a long period of existence on the market, and even at the same time always be leaders.

On the other hand, the exclusivity of the Louis Vuitton brand is explained by the fact that since its inception, the products have occupied a very special niche - the niche of goods for travel and tourism. This niche in itself is of particular importance - after all, not every person can afford to travel, but only financially secure (and the situation has not changed much in more than a hundred years).

True, now Louis Vuitton is engaged not only in goods for travel. Since some time, due to the development of international terrorism, people's desire to travel has dropped significantly. So Louis Vuitton had to explore new horizons - LVMH (which owns the Louis Vuitton brand) also started producing fashionable clothes under the Louis Vuitton brand.

And on the new path, the company has achieved significant success. First of all, thanks to the right marketing strategy. For example, to advertise their own products, Louis Vuitton attracted only eminent people - such as Audrey Hepburn or Jennifer Lopez. In addition, LVMH was often engaged in tailoring for popular film actors and royalty. Yes, and advertising was placed only in those newspapers and magazines that were considered prestigious.

So it turns out that the Louis Vuitton brand has successfully combined popularity and exclusivity. It is understandable why the Louis Vuitton brand has now become one of the most famous brands, which at the same time enjoys a special attitude towards its own product. Even the most famous brands cannot boast that the ratio of the cost of branding in their branded goods can reach 45% of the price of the goods sold. That is, almost half the price of Louis Vuitton branded items is a mark-up for the brand.

And after all, people are willing to pay more just for the fact that the Louis Vuitton brand flaunts on the product.

Now the French brand Louis Vuitton is known in almost all countries of the world and everywhere it successfully sells its branded goods. At the same time, even the most famous people and the most high-ranking persons can proudly admit that their clothes are from Louis Vuitton.

Brands like Louis Vuitton, perhaps, can not even be found. Well, what brand has managed to combine exclusivity, prestige, high status of trust and at the same time be so popular? It is understandable why the Louis Vuitton brand has so few competitors.

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