Kleenex. World famous brand

Is it possible to make a cult brand on ordinary disposable wipes? You can, if you know the history of Kleenex. After all, it was under this brand that disposable wipes first appeared on the consumer market.

Kleenex. Iconic brand

True, Kleenex was originally produced only as disposable wipes for removing makeup, and although they used the faces of such famous people as Gina Harlow to advertise their products, still few people used Kleenex branded wipes for their intended purpose. However, Kleenex wipes were actively sold out, and when Kimberly Clark (owner of the Kleenex brand) suddenly became concerned about the purposes for which their wipes were used, they were quite surprised that Kleenex disposable wipes were used as disposable handkerchiefs.

However, the owners of the company did not lose their heads and quickly began to present themselves as a manufacturer of disposable wipes for household needs, establishing a monopoly in their niche. After all, it was with their submission that the usual wipes acquired a completely new image - they became disposable, which became more convenient, more hygienic, simpler and cheaper. Under the Kleenex brand, they began to produce pocket wipes, paper towels, wipes for men, wipes for glasses, for travelers, scented wipes, soft wipes and others. In general, the company hastened to fill the niche of disposable wipes for a variety of needs.

And they did not fail with this idea, so soon the Kleenex brand became famous all over the world (at least in 180 countries of the world). And, although these are just disposable wipes, Kleenex managed to become the most famous nonsense in its narrow field, and disposable wipes are still associated with Kleenex to this day (as well as vice versa).

This is how a seemingly ordinary trifle, like a disposable wipe, created a world-famous cult brand. True, the company did not sit idly by, but actively promoted its own products with a long-tried method - attracting famous personalities to advertising (for example, when Kleenex was advertised in Peri Como's music album in 1957, sales of disposable wipes reached 330 million units).

To this day, it is Kleenex that is the leader in sales of disposable wipes for household needs, although many companies already produce such a product, and, most importantly, it is the Kleenex brand that immediately comes to mind to millions of people on the planet, as soon as they think about disposable wipes.

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