Coca-Cola. World famous brand

Perhaps there is nothing more popular than Coca-Cola in the world. No wonder the Coca-Cola brand is still the most expensive. Now, probably, there is no person in the world who would not know what Coca-Cola is.

Coca-Cola. Iconic brand

However, few people know the history of Coca-Cola. This drink was invented by pharmacist John Pemberton. The composition of the drink is very simple - coca leaves (yes, the same coca from which cocaine is made) and cola nuts. The name Coca-Cola was coined by Frank Robinson. By the way, the Coca-Cola logo also belongs to him - Robinson had calligraphy skills, and now his letters in the Coca-Cola emblem are considered the most recognizable handwriting in the world.

At first, Coca-Cola was marketed as a cure-all, a cure for impotence, and a great substitute for morphine (for those who are too addicted). This was a time when cocaine was not yet recognized as a narcotic drug, and many manufacturers added coca to soft drinks to "lift the tone."

At first, Coca-Cola sold out quite poorly. But people liked the drink, so gradually Coca-Cola's business went uphill. Soon Coca-Cola changed ownership and became a company. And soon coca was banned and only those leaves from which the “secret ingredient” had already been removed were used in the preparation of the drink.

Another significant event in the brand's history is the unique Coca-Cola bottle designed by designer Earl Dean. It was a truly significant event not only for the company, but for the entire history of the advertising business. It's not for nothing that Coca-Cola ads advertise the branded bottle as the second most perfect item in the world, after the perfect egg shape.

The Coca-Cola Company's success could be measured by how many Coca-Cola-copying drinks appeared on the market - in just one year, the company sued 153 companies that made drinks that looked like real Coca-Cola.

By the way, not only other companies tried to copy Coca-Cola. Once upon a time, Coca-Cola itself once released a New Coke drink, which tasted very much like its main competitor - Pepsi, but Coca-Cola fans did not like it so much that New Coke soon disappeared from the shelves, and in marketing textbooks this story is preserved as one of the biggest failures in the history of advertising.

Now Coca-Cola is produced and drunk all over the world, but, interestingly, the company still keeps the recipe for making the drink a secret. No less interesting is the fact that it was thanks to Coca-Cola that the world received a red-and-white good-natured fat Santa Claus. And yet - Coca-Cola really removes scale and rust deposits (all due to phosphoric acid), destroys teeth and the digestive tract.

But who cares about all this? After all, Coca-Cola is so tasty and attractive. And very, very famous. But it’s not clear whether we drink Coca-Cola because it is one of the most popular brands, or whether the brand has become the most expensive in the world because we consume this amazing drink so actively.

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