Lego. World famous brand

Lego is one of the most beloved and most amazing brands in the world. In 2021, Lego was the world's largest toy company. But, what is especially surprising, not only children, but also adults play with Lego with pleasure.

How did a children's game manage to become so successful?

Lego. Iconic brand

The history of Lego begins in Denmark, where Ole Kirk Christiansen starts making wooden toys in 1932. In 1934, the name Lego appears from the Danish "leg godt", which translates as "play well".

The first Lego constructor appears in 1949 under the name "Automatically Connecting Bricks". However, few people know that branded Lego bricks were based on self-locking Kiddicraft bricks, which went on sale in the UK in 1947.

Another significant date in the history of Lego is 1961, when it became possible to make not only buildings, but also cars from the Lego constructor. Since then, the possibilities of Lego designers have been increasing more and more.

Also, Lego is launching the release of themed sets - the city, space, pirates, robots, dinosaurs, the wild west and more. Then Lego expands the range of parts even more - there are motors, gears, sensors, battery packs and more. In 1978, unique Lego figures of men with movable heads, arms and legs appeared.

By the way, an interesting detail: with all the wealth of choice, Lego does not have military sets, since Ole Kirk Christiansen did not want to make a children's game out of the war.

And some more interesting history. In 1951, when plastic toys made up half of Lego's production, it was widely believed that plastic could never replace traditionally wooden toys. But many years later, experts said that Lego was a significant exception in the dislike of children's plastic toys.

Although it should be clarified here that the creator of Lego made high quality requirements for his company. Which is expressed even in the motto of Lego - "The best is not yet good enough." This motto is still in use today.

Indeed, the quality of Lego designers has high standards. For example, parts made in 2015 are matched with parts that were produced in 1958. And for a BBC radio program, the engineering department calculated that it would take a tower of 375,000 blocks to destroy the lowest Lego brick. The height of this tower will be 3591 meters. It has also been verified by private tests that it will take several thousand Lego assembly and disassembly cycles to wear out, although Lego's own tests showed fewer cycles.

But Lego is not only constructors for a long time. Legoland opened in 1968 in Denmark.

Since 1996, Lego computer and mobile games have been produced. The development of branded games was facilitated by the fact that with the advent of computer games, sales of Lego constructors fell sharply around the world.

And since 2005, Lego movies have been released - Lego Star Wars, Lego Indiana Jones, Lego Marvel Superheroes, Lego DC Superheroes and others.

Today, Lego is one of the most famous brands in the toy world. Both children and many adults are fond of Lego. And although representatives of the Lego company often emphasize that their designers help people instill skills in assembling, disassembling and repairing equipment, people just like to assemble models of buildings, cars, ships, aircraft and much more from Lego. And most likely, the next generations of children around the world will also enjoy playing with Lego bricks.

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