Durex. Famous iconic brand

The iconic brand Durex has put responsibility and safety at the heart of its own brand. After all, these are not only reliable condoms, but also the most extensive research in the field of human sexual life, as well as multimillion-dollar contributions to solving sex safety problems (in particular, the problem of AIDS).

Durex. Iconic brand

And the beginning was laid in 1929 in the UK, where Durex enters the market with its products. Due to little competition, Durex is quickly becoming the largest manufacturer in its field. However, the real turning point in the development of the company is 1957, when Durex launches the first lubricated condoms on the market.

Having become the undisputed leader, the company immediately begins to focus on quality in the production and advertising of its own product.

True, the popularization of the brand was largely facilitated by the fear of AIDS that developed among mankind in the second half of the 20th century. And here the Durex brand, so pedantic to quality, rose to the occasion, becoming a reliable barrier to the spread of a terrible disease.

Based on all of the above, the Durex brand deduced its three main principles: quality, reliability and convenience.

However, the company did not stop there. Durex began to actively take root in the intimate life of world society. The company undertook to sponsor research into human sexual life and develop programs to promote healthy and safe sex.

Thus, the Durex brand acquired another important quality - responsibility. And although such an important attribute requires considerable financial investments from the company, nevertheless, it was worth all the waste.

Now Durex not only produces condoms and other rubber products for sexual life and participates in various social programs, but also conducts research work, publishes its own magazine "International Barrier Protection Digest" and maintains its own Internet project - www.durexhealthcare.com .

Today the company is the world leader in the sale of condoms (the undisputed leader in more than 40 countries) and is recognized as the No. 1 brand (26% of the world's production) in its field.

And the Durex brand has become synonymous with responsibility, quality and safety. And that means human trust. So it is very difficult to compete with him.

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