Timex. Famous iconic brand
The peak of glory of the cult brand Timex is behind us. But not so long ago, if they were talking about high-quality inexpensive watches, then it was undoubtedly a watch from Timex.
It seems that the secret of Timex's success was quite simple - they conquered the market by releasing watches that are quite reliable, but at the same time inexpensive. The cheapness of Timex watches is explained very simply - with an increase in production volumes, the cost of production decreases.

Before the advent of Timex watches, US residents had to be content with either reliable watches, but very expensive (like the world famous Rolex), or buy some cheap, but poor quality watches.
And then suddenly Timex appears! Of course, average Americans immediately rushed to buy this particular watch (at one time, every second American wore a Timex watch!). So soon the names of the watch brands Waterbury and Yankee became practical household names. And the Yankee became forever famous for the fact that Mark Twain himself was not indifferent to these watches.
However, people remember the Timex brand primarily from the original commercials. In these advertisements, to demonstrate the reliability of the watch, so-called "demonstration tests" were arranged, the main character of which was the Timex watch. Timex branded products were subjected to the most cruel tests: they were beaten with baseball bats, frozen, subjected to prolonged exposure to water, sucked in with vacuum cleaners, and given to be torn apart by evil lobsters, who tried to open the watch with their claws. And Timex withstood all the tests with honor and, most importantly, continued to please its owners with the fact that the watch not only continued to work, but also showed the correct time.
How it happened that later other watch manufacturers began to displace Timex is not clear. Maybe Timex on the wave of success forgot about what competition is?
So by the end of the 20th century, new high-quality and inexpensive branded watches began to appear on the markets, and they gradually replaced Timex from the positions that the latter, it would seem, had taken forever.
True, Timex do not want to give up their primacy. For several years they have been looking for a new idea for their signature watch. What is especially difficult to do in a world where people use wristwatches less and less, preferring watches in phones and other gadgets to them. But who knows, maybe we'll hear more from Timex when they come up with their own special idea. After all, the brand has not yet lost its high reputation.
In any case, Timex will remain forever in the history of mankind, and the Timex brand will always be associated with quality and low price.
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