Hoover. Famous iconic brand

The Hoover brand is now heavily outnumbered by other, more mainstream, more global brands. However, even if the company completely disappears from the market, the Hoover name will still remain forever, at least as a synonym for the word "vacuum cleaner". In American English, there is even a special term "hoover", which means "to vacuum".

Hoover. Iconic brand

So what is this Hoover brand, why has it become a cult brand, and what is its history?

The Hoover brand owes its appearance to an ordinary cleaner in a supermarket - Murray Spangler. In order to somehow lighten his hard work, Spangler invented a dust-collecting device from a metal box, pillowcase, fan and broom. And William Hoover, on the advice of his wife (it was she who approved Spangler's invention), launched the production of "dust-sucking cleaners" (as the inventor called his brainchild). Well, thanks to skillful advertising and free promotions (in order to test the quality of the vacuum cleaner, Hoover offered to use their product for free for 10 days before buying it), “Hoover cleaners” began to actively spread in the USA and Canada. And then the vacuum cleaners were simply called "Hoover" ("Hoover"). Thus, the brand has become synonymous with the word "vacuum cleaner".

By the way, an interesting fact: at some point, William Hoover stopped the production of vacuum cleaners and instead began to make leather saddles and carriages, but the cars that appeared forced him to resume and even make vacuum cleaners the main production. And one more interesting detail: at the time when the first Hoover vacuum cleaner was sold, only 10% of homes in America were electrified.

Such an interesting brand with an equally interesting history.

True, later, when vacuum cleaners began to be widely used, many companies launched their own dust-collecting machines, which actively began to compete with Hoover. However, Hoover is still a pioneer in the field of vacuum cleaners, so this iconic brand will forever remain in the history of mankind and will always be associated with vacuum cleaners.

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