Caterpillar. Famous iconic brand

Caterpillar is one of the most unusual and interesting brands in the world. Indeed, under this brand, high-quality construction equipment has long been sold, and by the beginning of XXI Caterpillar is also sportswear and shoes. It is clear that technology and clothing are quite far apart, so why is Caterpillar operating in these two diverse areas, and in both they are a very highly established company?

Caterpillar. Iconic brand

First of all, Caterpillar is an iconic brand associated with construction machinery and equipment. Tractors, bulldozers, mining equipment, diesel engines, industrial gas turbines, that's where Caterpillar has long established itself as the world's leading manufacturer. Caterpillar tractors have become not just a brand of quality equipment, but also a real standard of good and convenient equipment.

And Caterpillar took a very long time to become leaders in its field. Every year, the company invests a lot of money in research and development of the latest technologies. And it can boast that from 1997 to 2005 they have patented over 3,700 patents.

If we talk about tractors or construction equipment, then the name Caterpillar immediately pops up.

When Daniel West and Benjamin Holt founded Caterpillar in 1925, they made every effort to create the most comfortable and functional tractor. It was with their filing that the steam tractors that existed at that time acquired caterpillars and were equipped with a diesel engine.

And the following years have proven that Caterpillar tractors are the best in their field. Moreover, the creators, even having already launched their products on the market, from year to year continued to improve the tractor, as well as diesel engines, and other construction and mining equipment, which only more and more popularized their own products and brand, becoming unsurpassed leaders and winning the trust of consumers.

However, at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, Caterpillar suddenly begins to explore a completely new niche for itself - the company begins to produce ... sportswear and shoes.

Of course, many marketers considered Caterpillar's idea stupid and unjustified and prophesied that Caterpillar would only lose money on this and this would negatively affect the company's name and brand image.

However, by 2001, Caterpillar clothing became the best-selling and surpassed its competitors, and the company's profit amounted to as much as $ 20 billion (!).

How did Caterpillar manage to achieve such high results in a field far removed from where they were from the very beginning?

It's all about a good and well-planned strategy, when the company, through advertising, found the opportunity to associate such diverse products, and the consumer, who perceived the Caterpillar brand as a guarantee of high quality and high-tech, modern and, let's be modest, the best products, automatically transferred these associations from Caterpillar equipment for its new products - clothing and footwear.

However, the success of Caterpillar is more an exception than a confirmation of the laws of the market and business. But, as has long been known, any exceptions only confirm the rules, and the Caterpillar brand, with its existence and history, proves the correctness of this judgment.

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