Nokia. Famous iconic brand
The history of the iconic Nokia brand is simply extraordinary. Now Nokia is associated exclusively with mobile phones and communications. But during its existence, Nokia produced a wide variety of products - paper, chemicals, rubber, and only then switched to electronics.

But the history of the Nokia brand began with the production of paper. In 1865, a certain Frederick Idestam equips an ordinary mill into a small paper factory. And it took almost a century and a half before Nokia decided to go exclusively into the production of mobile phones. The "fault" for this extraordinary decision was the global economic downturn of the 90s of the twentieth century. And the person who made this very risky decision was the then president of Nokia, Jorma Olilla.
But luck was on Olilla's side. More precisely, not luck at all, but a deliberate and correctly made decision. So soon the Nokia brand was associated exclusively with mobile phones. And since Nokia products turned out to be, among other things, of very high quality and easy to use, Nokia phones soon became one of the most popular in the world.
Nokia has sold its products in the US, Germany, UK, France, Italy, Spain, Brazil, India, the United Arab Emirates and even China. And everywhere the phones produced under the Nokia brand were a success. But, of course, the Nokia market was much wider - you could find Nokia phones anywhere in the world, since this brand in the mobile communications market was considered one of the best (if not the best) in the world. Nokia even referred to themselves as a "global brand". And every year, Nokia sold more than half a million branded phones (as of the beginning of the 21st century).
However, then the incredible happened. The company had to recall 46 million phones that had battery problems. The company could not get out of the crisis, even laying off most of the employees.
Another failure was the partnership with Microsoft - Lumia smartphones on the mobile Windows Phone were quite interesting, but could not compete with Apple's branded products and the increasingly popular Android OS.
In 2016, the Nokia brand was bought out by the Finnish company HMD Global and smartphones under the Nokia name appeared on sale again. And even though there were already many very strong rivals in the smartphone market, the brand still managed to find its place there. And some new Nokia models even sold quite well.
And while Nokia is not currently on the list of the most famous brands in the mobile phone market, people will still remember those iconic Nokia phones for a long time to come. And in the history of mobile phones, Nokia will remain one of the most significant brands.
And who knows, maybe in the near future Nokia will be able to regain its worldwide fame.
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