Wal-Mart. Famous iconic brand

The Wal-Mart brand has become a special phenomenon in the global market for goods and services.

No wonder, because Wal-Mart is a chain of large stores where you can buy goods at a reduced (wholesale) price. This is what attracts a lot of buyers to Wal-Mart branded stores. And low prices in Wal-Mart stores because the cost of goods is reduced due to their large number - in each Wal-Mart the number of products far exceeds the number of goods in regular stores.

Wal-Mart. Iconic brand

Wal-Mart has made it a practice to buy or build huge hypermarkets in the suburbs, where you can find almost everything you need. Moreover, it is very convenient to buy everything at once in one store, and even at a price much lower than the prices in ordinary stores.

Although initially, when the creator of Wal-Mart, Sam Walton, just started his activity, the basis of his business was a special attitude towards customers. It was Walton who first came up with such a profession in the service sector as a buyer assistant or consultant. This turned out to be a very good decision, because in Wal-Mart branded stores there are so many goods that it is very difficult to sort through them. And to find the right product among many similar ones is a whole art. This is where consultants come in handy, helping the buyer in finding and choosing a product.

In addition, Wal-Mart uses video cameras and shopping analytics to track what people buy, how they shop, and what drives sales. And thanks to this analysis, Wal-Mart knows which products are better bought and how to get people to buy even more.

It was Wal-Mart who first introduced cash scanners and other software into practice, which helps increase sales.

Wal-Mart now owns more than 3,000 stores in the United States and internationally, and delivers to more than 3 million shoppers weekly at Wal-Mart stores.

Today, Wal-Mart is one of the most famous companies in the world, and the Wal-Mart brand has established itself as one of the most influential and trusted.

And although Wal-Mart is increasingly being criticized that they are destroying private business, nevertheless, people go to buy at Wal-Mart - it's profitable, and many companies and stores have already adopted the company's innovations.

So few people in sales today can stand up to Wal-Mart and branded stores with a huge selection of products and low prices will be actively visited for more than one year.

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