Hummer. Famous iconic brand

Well, who in our time does not know the iconic brand Hummer? After all, all-terrain vehicles produced under this brand have become almost the main attribute of masculinity - the cult of a tough man.

Hummer. Iconic brand. First model - Hummer H1

However, the Hummers themselves, like modern cars, are actually not so good. For example, in 2007, the Hummer H2 and Hummer H3 models were in the US in the top ten worst cars - cramped cabins, high fuel consumption, low safety, rather low-power engine.

True, for tough guys, of all these complaints, only a weak engine will be significant, and everything else is not important. After all, this is still a cult Hummer!

But what is the cult of these SUVs? Why Hummer?

It's simple, you just need to look into history. The current Hummer was born from under the wing of the military. Once upon a time (or rather, in 1979), the progenitor of the current most popular jeep, called HUMVEE, passed the competitive tests with honor and was recognized as the best all-terrain vehicle for the army in the United States. The army was equipped with HUMVEE jeeps. Well, the popularity of HUMVEE was brought by the mass media, demonstrating the successful operations of the US military on television, where HUMVEE played an important role.

The HUMVEE impressed viewers so much that many wanted to have this jeep in their garage. When the onslaught of private orders became too abundant, AM General (the company that developed the HUMVEE) decided to release a "civilian" model. Then the Hummer was born. However, the first Hummer had practically no differences from its older brother, with the exception of small cosmetic details and the absence of armor. But the price of the jeep was very significant.

But Hummer fans were not afraid of the high price. Therefore, the Hummers diverged quite well. Hummer clubs even began to appear. So the military all-terrain vehicle has become a cult.

True, since the beginning of the 21st century, the cult of the jeep and the Hummer brand began to lean towards pop (the fact is that the Hummer brand was acquired in 1999 by General Motors; they completely changed the all-terrain vehicle, turning it into an almost ordinary jeep, but, with the help of active advertising, increased sales many times). Hummers literally filled the world ... but not for long. Hummer endured many hardships, but the financial crisis was beyond his power. The brand has been eliminated.

However, it might be for the best. Otherwise, it is not known what abysses the cult brand would have reached. And so Hummer will forever remain an all-terrain vehicle capable of overcoming any roads (and even their complete absence) and a cult brand, an attribute of masculinity and strength.

PS: There were rumors that Chinese automakers seemed to want to buy the Hummer brand. I wonder what the Chinese Hummer would look like then?

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