Ford. Famous iconic brand
There is no doubt about the fame and cult of the Ford brand. Henry Ford, the founder of the Ford brand and company, is one of the most famous personalities in the history of the automotive industry and not only (which is worth only the conveyor invented by him, without which not a single industrial enterprise can do today).
However, we are primarily interested in the Ford brand, so we will not talk much about Ford itself.
So, what characteristics distinguish the Ford brand from others?

First of all, nationality, accessibility, mass character. After all, Ford cars initially did not have any special characteristics, except for a very low price and high production volumes. It was Ford who first thought of such a simple formula - the more cars produced, the lower the cost of each individual car.
So, thanks to Ford's financial discovery, the car in America turned from a luxury item into a means of transportation. Even Ford himself called his products - "a car for the crowd".
And for a long time, despite the absence of any special characteristics, Ford cars were actively bought up by the Americans, and the brand became more and more popular.
But, of course, the history of the Ford brand does not end there, rather, on the contrary, it was just the beginning. After all, then Ford began to produce not only cheap cars, but also safe ones, adding another attribute to its own brand. It was at the suggestion of Ford that safety glass was developed (when accidents on the roads became more frequent), they were also asked to add bumpers to cars (not only for safety, but also to improve the appearance of the car).
It was also Ford who came up with the idea to make the car streamlined.
And, despite the popularity and good sales, Ford does not stop there and continues to improve its products, while maintaining its main idea - the availability of the car.
So now the Ford brand is respected, because the company offers high-quality, safe and at the same time inexpensive cars. No wonder it was Ford who won the Car of the Year award many times.
However, even if one day the Ford automaker suddenly disappears from the market, the name Ford and the cult brand itself will forever remain in history, because without Henry Ford and his company, automotive history would be completely different (and, perhaps, even the whole human world would go a different way civilization).
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