American express. Famous iconic brand

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you mention such a cult brand as American express? Of course, about money transfers and express delivery. Although in fact the company is also one of the most popular travel agencies (in the US, for sure) and the inventor of the now popular payment cards. However, the most important advantage of American express is its impeccable reputation.

American express. Iconic brand

But it is better to tell about everything in order.

Started American express during the American Civil War era and delivered urgent cargo (which is very important during the war). It was then that the company gained its reputation, so significant to this day.

After the end of the war, American express begins a new activity - transferring money from the New World to the so-called Old. After all, the then migrants in the United States had relatives and friends in Europe. Then American express thought of making special "travel checks" (1891), thanks to which people could travel without carrying cash, which was very convenient and safe.

And many years later (in 1958), with the development of civilization, American Express introduces its own payment cards, with which you can not only travel, but use them everywhere. These payment cards impressed the Americans so much that the presence of such a card has become in some way a symbol of prestige and financial solvency (and for an American this is a paramount task).

This is how the payment cards that are now widespread all over the world appeared. However, few who use them know who exactly was the author of such a simple but convenient invention. Now, however, due to the fact that payment cards have become very accessible, the image of the American express brand has lost its exclusivity and high prestige. However, this is the price of promotion.

And what is the American express brand now? Now this iconic brand actively maintains its impeccable reputation and reliability status, which is why most Americans use only American express (the company operates mainly in the US and for US citizens). Now American express is engaged in financial and tourism activities and is even the publisher of Food and Wine and Travel and Leisure magazines.

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